Static apnea is a discipline within freediving where the diver holds their breath while floating on the surface of the water without any movement. It requires immense focus, control, and relaxation as the diver conserves oxygen and manages the urge to breathe. Athletes train extensively to improve their breath-holding capabilities and increase their tolerance to carbon dioxide buildup. The benefits of static apnea include improved respiratory control, enhanced relaxation, heightened mental focus, increased oxygen efficiency, self-awareness and meditation.


$700 MXP | $45 USD



  • Mammalian dive reflex

  • Preparation for static apnea

  • Specific breathing technique for static apnea

  • Pool and dry training

  • Dry breath-hold exercises

  • Relaxation, mind and body control techniques

Classroom Theory
08:00 - 10:00

  • Body position and relaxation

  • Preparation for a maximum breath-hold

  • Maximum static apnea attempts

  • Safety procedures and practice

  • Training routine for increasing breath-hold capabilities

  • Debrief

Static Apnea Clinic
10:30 - 13:00